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Terms of service


Effective Date: 03.10.2024

Welcome to the Narify Platform!

1. Scope of the Services

Narify AS (“Narify”) provides subscription to a web-based platform at (the “Narify Platform”), which is designed to empower teams to utilize LinkedIn to its fullest potential through content creation, collaboration, content strategy, and education for efficient publishing on LinkedIn.

A suite of tools and services (the “Services”) are offered by Narify, aimed at building strong, collaborative teams by fostering transparency, ownership, accountability, and growth through:

  • Content Creation and Strategy: Tools to help teams collaborate on content for LinkedIn.
  • Employer Branding, Employee Advocacy and Inbound Marketing: Services aimed at enhancing branding and marketing efforts through storytelling.
  • Educational Resources: Training for teams to improve their content strategy and professional growth.
  • Content Quality Enhancement: Designed to elevate the quality of business and career development content on LinkedIn.
Specific services agreed will be detailed out in writing at the electronic channel for Agreement documents as provided by Narify from time to time.

2. General Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) govern your use of the Narify Platform and the Services. By accessing the Narify Platform, you establish a profile as user of the Narify Platform and the Services as a dedicated user (“User”). Consequently, you agree to comply with these Terms, LinkedIn policies and applicable laws and regulations.

Narify, the Enterprise and Users (as defined herein) are also separately referred to as “Party” and jointly as “the Parties”.

Narify reserve the right to add, change, or remove features of the Services which are offered at any time.

Narify reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. Changes will take effect immediately upon publication at the Narify Platform. Your continued use of the Services thereafter confirms your acceptance of the updated Terms.

In order to use the Narify Platform and the Services, you must accept these Terms, including the following:

  1. Only using the Narify Platform and Services in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations;
  2. Refrain from using the Narify Platform or the Services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose;
  3. Refrain from giving, selling, renting, leasing, sublicensing, or distributing any part of the Service to third parties, including Customer’s affiliates;
  4. Refrain from using the Services in a service bureau arrangement;
  5. Refrain from circumventing or interfering with (i) security features of the Narify Platform or Services, or (ii) features which may limit the use or copying of content;
  6. Refrain from reverse engineering, decompiling, or attempting to derive the source code of the Services or the Narify Platform;
  7. Refrain from copying, modifying, translating, or creating derivative works of the Services or the Narify Platform;
  8. Refrain from taking any action which may impose an unreasonable load on the Narify Platform;
  9. Refrain from interfering with the proper functioning of the Services or the Narify Platform;
  10. Refrain from removing or altering any copyright notices, trademarks, or proprietary rights from the Services or the Narify Platform, or to use Narify trademarks (word and logos) without Narify’s prior written consent;
  11. Refrain from attempting to gain unauthorized access to any part of the Narify Platform or its background systems;
  12. Refrain from using the Services for competitive purposes, such as developing or enhancing services or products in competition with the Narify Platform or the Services;
  13. Refrain from encouraging or assisting anyone else in doing any of the above.

Customer Content refers to any content (files, text, images, etc.) submitted or uploaded by the Users of the Customer at the Narify Platform (“Customer Content”).

You are liable for ensuring that you have the necessary right to share Customer Content as created by use of the Narify Platform and the Services. In particular you acknowledge and confirm that:

  • You possess all necessary rights, licenses, consents, permissions, and authority to grant the rights outlined here for any Customer Content;
  • Narify cannot be held liable for any Customer Content posted by you at the Narify Platform;
  • Customer Content provided by you does not infringe upon any third-party rights.

The Services may include third-party code and libraries governed by open- source licenses (collectively referred to as “Open- Source Code” and “Open- Source Terms”). In the event of a conflict between these Terms and Open- Source Terms, the Open- Source Terms will prevail regarding the subject matter therein
Narify strive to identify all Open- Source Code used in relation to the Services in the ordinary manner. Narify can still not provide any warranties or indemnities regarding any impact by Open- Source Code.

Failure to comply with these Terms may result in account suspension of the Services or legal action.

3. Eligibility

You must be at least 16 years old to use the Narify Platform and the Services. Narify reserves the right to request age verification.

4. Account Management and Responsibilities

4.1. Account Creation

When registering for access to the Narify Platform, you must provide accurate and complete information.

You are responsible for all activities conducted through your account and agree to keep your password secure.

If you represent a legal entity (“Enterprise”). you are responsible for ensuring that your use of the platform complies with all internal policies and permissions.

If you are representing an Enterprise, you confirm that:

  • You have the authority to bind your Enterprise to these Terms.
  • You accept these Terms on behalf of your Enterprise.

4.2. Account administration

In the event one Enterprise shall be represented by several Users, the Enterprise shall appoint an authorised representative to act as the Customer’s Day- to- day administrator of the Enterprise Account at the Narify Platform (the “Admin”).

The Admin shall in particular;

  • Manage user access and permissions;
  • Administrate purchase or modifications of the Services;
  • Be in charge of the processing of Customer Content, including ensure compliance with the Enterprise’s obligations as Data Controller;
  • Any other Day- to- day management necessary to support the Enterprise’s use of the Services;
  • Ensure necessary interaction with third-party integrations.

Any actions performed by a User are considered authorized by the Enterprise, and the Enterprise is accountable for how all Users handle Customer Content.

During the term of the applicable subscription, the Admin is authorised to upgrade the Subscription Plan of the Enterprise by

  • adding Authorized Users;
  • upgrading to a higher Subscription Plan;
  • adding extra features; and/or
  • extending the Customer’s Subscription Term (collectively, “Subscription Upgrades”).

In the event that you are the only User on behalf of your enterprise, you are by default empowered as Admin on behalf of yourself or your Enterprise, as the case may be.

As supplement to the Services, The Admin of the Enterprise may also order services provided by partners (“Narify Partners”) of Narify. Such services may be ordered together with the Services under these Terms, whereupon the deliveries by the Narify Partners may be invoiced by Narify on the Partner’s behalf, or as a separate arrangement between the Enterprise and the applicable Narify Partner. In any event, Narify act solely as an intermediary platform between the Enterprise and said Narify Partners, and separate terms of services will apply for such services. For the avoidance of doubt, Narify cannot be held liable for the services provided by the Narify Partners.

5. Content Ownership and User Rights

You (or your enterprise as the case may be) retain ownership of the Customer Content you are creating using the Services. By using the Services, you grant Narify a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use, modify, display, distribute, and create derivative works of your Customer Content within the scope of the Services, in line with LinkedIn’s policies and our Privacy Policy.

You can terminate this license at any time by deleting your Customer Content or subscription. However, any commercial or sponsored use of your Customer Content initiated by Narify prior to such termination will continue until those activities have concluded.

6. Payment and Subscription Terms

6.1. 14-Day Free Trial

New users can access all features (except for the Academy) for 14 days at no cost. At the end of the trial, you may continue with a paid subscription or cancel without charge.

6.2. Payment Terms

In the event you act as Admin, you agree to pay all subscription fees based on your chosen plan.

All payments are in NOK or Euro (EUR), unless it is agreed in writing that prices may be stated in a foreign currency. Unless otherwise specified, all prices are stated excluding value added tax, but including customs duties and any other indirect taxes.

Narify’s prices may be adjusted upon one (1) month prior written notice.

The User shall provide Narify with valid and updated credit card information, alternatively updated information regarding another accepted payment method. The user authorizes Narify to charge such payment method for all purchased Subscriptions for the initial subscription term and any renewed subscription term(s) thereafter. Invoicing and payment will made monthly or yearly in advance of the agreed subscription term, such as further agreed in the accepted billing information.

In the event it is agreed with Enterprise customers that the subscription and related Services shall be invoiced, such invoicing will be made in advance of the agreed subscription term, at the agreed frequency. In such event, payment will fall due for payment fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of the invoice.

By registering for the Service and providing billing information, you agree to keep the billing information updated, accurate, and complete.

Upon overdue payment, late payment interest will apply in accordance with Act no. 100 of 17 December 1976 concerning interest on late payments, etc. (the Norwegian Interest Act).

If you are a User depending on access to the Services as approved by an Admin, you can disregard the above payment Terms, as the Admin will be liable for duly payment on behalf of the Enterprise.

If overdue, with the addition of late payment interest, has not been paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the due date, Narify may give the Customer written notice that the Agreement will be cancelled if payment is not received by Narify within thirty (30) calendar days thereafter.

Subscription fees are non-refundable.

6.3. Auto-Renewal

Your subscription will automatically be renewed unless cancelled prior to the renewal date. To prevent service interruption, invoices will by default be issued for the same concurrent period as for the foregoing payment period until otherwise requested at the latest 14 calendar days prior to end of the current subscription period.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights (“IPR”) to the Narify Platform and the Services, including to the software, methodology, copyright and design rights to user interface and trademark are proprietary to Narify. The aforesaid also includes IPR derived from any contributions by you to the development of the Services as a consequence of your use of the Services and feedback thereby.

Within the scope of these Terms, you are granted a non-exclusive license to access the Narify Platform and the Services during the term of your subscription.

Users (or their Enterprises as the case may be) will retain ownership of all Customer Content which are entrusted Narify for processing, and which are stored or processed by the provision of the Services. The same will apply to the Customer specific output from Narify’s processing of such Customer Content.

The Service may allow Users to share public Customer Content Narify is hereby granted a license to use, copy, and display such public Customer Content for business purposes, including promotions. By acceptance of these Terms, you waive or assign any moral rights associated with such public Customer Content.

Any feedback to Narify provided by the Users becomes the property of Narify, allowing Narify right to use such feedback to the extent found feasible by Narify.

8. Changes to Services

Narify may modify or discontinue any aspect of the platform at any time. Any significant changes will be communicated to Users via email or the Narify Platform.

9. Data Privacy

The Services will involve processing of personal data. In order to provide the Services, Narify is hereby granted the right to store, display, and process Customer Content as necessary to provide the Services.

The Enterprise you are representing is the Data Controller of such processing, including liable for establishing required lawful grounds for the processing.

Narify is acting as the Data Processor on behalf of the Enterprise, such as further set out in the Data Processing Agreement (the “DPA”), which in terms of the agreement between Narify and the Enterprise constitutes a part of these Terms.

By accepting these Terms, each User provides consent to Narify’s processing of personal data on behalf of the User to the extent necessary for Narify to provide access to the Narify Platform and Services, cf GDPR Art 6 (b). This consent can at any time be withdrawn by deleting the user account at the Narify Platform.

Through planned and systematic measures, Narify must ensure satisfactory information security with respect to confidentiality, integrity, accessibility and robustness in the processing of personal data.

Narify must document that the information system and security measures are satisfactory. Such documentation shall be made available, upon request, to the Enterprise or the Users as applicable, and its auditors, as well as the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

Narify may not entrust personal data to other parties for storage, reworking or deletion without prior written permission by the Enterprise, or you as a User, as applicable. Narify must ensure that any subcontractors used by Narify, and which process personal data, assume the same obligations as those set out in this clause 9 of the Terms.

Personal data may not be transferred to countries outside the EEA, or the sub-processors as stated in the DPA, without any transfer basis and documentation demonstrating that the terms for use of the transfer basis are fulfilled.

10. Liability and Warranties

10.1. Services Provided “As Is”

The Narify platform and its Services are provided on an “as is” basis, without any warranties of any kind, including the functionality and integration with third party services Narify disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement or other violation of rights, including the User Terms and Conditions set out by LinkedIn, including by the limited use of Chrome Extension as follows by the Services.

Narify provides no guarantee that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, nor that your Customer Content will not be lost, defects will be corrected, or that the Services are free from viruses or harmful code. Narify disclaim any liability for delays, failures, interception, alteration, loss, or other damage to the Customer Content caused by circumstances beyond the control of Narify.

Except as expressly stated herein, Narify provides no warranties, and specifically disclaim any representation that the Services (or any part of it) are complete, accurate, of a certain quality, reliable, suitable for your intended activities, compatible with your devices, operating systems, browsers, software, or tools, or that it will comply with any laws applicable to the Users. Narify further excludes any warranties about the content, information, reports, or results obtained by use of the Service or the Narify Platform.

10.2. Limitation of Liability

Narify is not liable to the Enterprise or its Users for any errors in/ or temporary or permanent ceased availability of third-party deliverables arising after the delivery date, including if Linkedin is no longer available for the Services, such as if the respective user accounts of the representatives of the Customer are closed for whatever reason. This entails that the Customer may not invoke any non-fulfilment of agreed quality requirements after the delivery date, including service level requirements, if this is due to an error in third-party deliverables. This also applies to the loss or destruction of Customer Content.

In the event of errors or limited availability of third-party deliverables, Narify will be obliged to report the error to the third party, explain to the applicable Users why the scope and/or consequences of such errors could not or should not have been limited, and keep the applicable Users informed about the status of the rectification.

In no event shall Narify be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from your use of the Narify Platform, including real or anticipated loss of profit, loss of benefit, loss of revenue, loss of business, loss of goodwill, loss of opportunity, loss of savings, loss of reputation, loss of use and/or loss or corruption of Customer Content whether under statute, contract, equity, tort (including negligence), indemnity or otherwise.

The maximum liability for any claim shall in any event not exceed the amount paid by you or the Enterprise you are representing for the Services during the 12 months prior to the claim.

Narify has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Narify Platform and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, approval or control by Narify of any Narify Platform. Use of any such linked Narify Platform is at your own risk, and we strongly advise you make your own investigations with respect to the suitability of those sites

11. Technical Support

Enterprise customers are entitled to premium technical support, as per their Framework Agreement. Additional services may be available for purchase, subject to separate terms.

12. Confidentiality

The Parties shall ensure complete confidentiality regarding all information they become acquainted with during the term of these Terms. The Parties shall maintain confidentiality about such information until it otherwise becomes publicly known.

Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, business or trade secrets, such as non-public information about financial, legal, personal, financial, technical and/or commercial matters, methods and analyses, test results, and other know-how.

The confidential information may concern the Parties and/or third parties about whom the Parties possesses confidential information about or on behalf of, including Narify’s, customers, and collaborators. The obligation of confidentiality remains in force regardless of whether the information is marked as confidential, secret, or any similar indication.

The obligation of confidentiality continues 5 years after the termination of the Agreement.

The above provision does not prevent the Parties from benefiting from general knowledge and experiences of a technical or business nature acquired during the execution of the Agreement.

13. Compliance

The Parties shall at their own expense comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to their respective activities under these Terms, including all laws, statutes, regulations and codes relating to anti- bribery, anti-corruption, intellectual property and data privacy. For the avoidance of doubt, Narify is not liable for Customer Content, and do not actively monitor or moderate such content on behalf of the Users.

14. Term and Termination

14.1 Term

These Terms enters into force on the date on which it is accepted by you as part of opening a user account at the Narify Portal.

14.2 Termination

Your license to use the Narify Platform and Services will be in force until terminated by you or your Admin as the case may be, by one (1) month written notice in line with the instructions as follow at the Narify Portal.

The Services and payment obligations will remain in force during the notice period, irrespective of the reason for termination.

The Agreement can be terminated with immediate effect by both Parties upon the other Party’s substantial breach.

Upon termination, all licenses granted to you will be revoked, and access to the platform will cease.

14.3 Transfer or deletion of Customer Content

Upon termination of the Terms, and at the latest by the end of the notice period, you shall delete all your Customer Content stored at the Narify platform, unless agreed that the Narify shall transfer the Customer Content to you, or to a third party designated by you.

Unless otherwise agreed, Narify is entitled to delete any remaining Customer Content stored at the Narify Platform after end of the notice period.

You, or your Enterprise as the case may be, shall pay consideration for the aforementioned Services, in accordance with Narify’s hourly rates applicable at the date of termination.

15. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of Norway. Any disputes arising from these Terms shall be resolved in the courts of Sør-Rogaland Tingrett, Norway.

16. Contact Information
If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at